Background: |
Signal Height (px): | |
Cycle Width (px): | |
Transition Offset (px): |
Marker Font Size (px): | |
Marker Text Color: | |
Name Font Size (px): | |
Name Text Color: | |
Gap Color: | |
Gap Background Color: | |
Path Color: | |
Hint Line Color: | |
Undefined Line Color: | |
Undefined Background Color: | |
Background 2: | |
Background 3: | |
Background 4: | |
Background 5: | |
Background 6: | |
Background 7: | |
Background 8: | |
Background 9: |
Top (px): | |
Bottom (px): | |
Left (px): | |
Right (px): |
Top (px): | |
Bottom (px): |
Signal Names to Schema | |
Group Indicators to Signal Names: | |
Line to Line: |
Indicator Width | |
Indicator Spacing: | |
Indicator Color: | |
Label Font Size | |
Label Spacing: | |
Label Color: |
Font Size | |
Height: | |
Color: | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Font Size | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Height | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Color: |
Font Size | |
Height: | |
Color: | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Font Size | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Height | |
Cycle Enumeration Marker Color: |
Node Font Size | |
Node Text Color | |
Node Background Color | |
Edge Text Font Size | |
Edge Text Color | |
Edge Text Background Color | |
Edge Color | |
Edge Arrow Color | |
Edge Arrow Size |